From Policy to Practice: Implementing Best Practices for Effective Workforce Management
Employers of all sizes need to adopt employment policies that are custom-tailored to their facilities, operations and personnel. But, while this is important, it is also just the first step in the process of effective workforce management. Implementation is critical as well, as policies that haven’t been effectively implemented stand no chance of serving their intended purpose.
5 Key Considerations for Implementing Workforce Management Policies
What does implementing best practices for effective workforce management entail? Here are some key considerations:
1. A Custom-Tailored Approach is Required
Just as employers need to adopt custom-tailored workforce management policies, they also need to take a custom-tailored approach to implementation. Employers should assess their specific needs and the needs of their workforce, and then they should structure their implementation efforts accordingly.
2. Training is Essential
Training is a key aspect of workforce policy implementation. Supervisors and managers should receive training that is suited to their specific role within the organization, as should all individual contributors. When it comes to training, rarely (if ever) is a one-size-fits-all approach effective. Instead, employers must develop training programs that are designed to effectively communicate the obligations and expectations of individual personnel within their individual roles.
3. Employers Should Listen to Their Employees’ Feedback
When providing training and undertaking other implementation efforts, employers should also listen to their employees’ feedback. If a training program is confusing or difficult to follow, then it, too, can fail to serve its intended purpose. Effectively implementing workforce management policies is not simply an exercise in execution—or, at least it shouldn’t be. Instead, the focus needs to be on making sure that everyone within the organization has a clear understanding of their role in protecting the company and fostering its success.
4. Employers Should Monitor and Document the Implementation Process
Along with listening to employees’ feedback, employers should also monitor the implementation process. If any issues arise during the process (i.e., if a policy simply doesn’t work in practice), these issues should be addressed as proactively as possible. Employers should thoroughly document their implementation efforts as well—as this documentation can prove invaluable when defending against workplace claims.
5. Workforce Management is an Ongoing Process
Finally, employers must also acknowledge and accept that workforce management is an ongoing process. Beyond monitoring the implementation of their workforce policies, employers must also monitor the efficacy of these policies going forward. This serves two equally important purposes:
- It allows employers to identify many potential issues before they arise; and,
- When issues arise, it allows employers to respond as proactively (and effectively) as possible.
How can employers monitor their workforce management efforts effectively? This, too, requires a documented and structured process. By putting the necessary processes, procedures and personnel in place, employers of all sizes can manage their workforce-related risks with confidence.
Speak with an Employment Lawyer at Rendigs
If you need to know more about implementing best practices for effective workforce management, we invite you to get in touch. Call 513-381-9200 or contact us online to speak with an employment lawyer at Rendigs in confidence.